1. Farahani, A. Jafari gohar.M. (1993), “A Comparative Study Financial Expenditures of physical education courses in distance education and the traditional system at the university level” Proceeding of AAOU VII Conference Economics of Distance Education, Hong Kong.
  2. Farahani, A. (1994), “Research on sports injuries in Iran” Proceeding of Asian Sport Sciences Congress, Hiroshima, Japan.
  3. Farahani, A. (1994), ” The role of coach in sport injuries” Abstracts Book of 2 nd International Conference on sports Medicine, Beijing, China.
  4. Farahani, A.(1995), “A comparison between convention and Distance Teaching of physical Education” Proceeding of Ix th Conference Asian Association of open university, Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Farahani, A.Sarmadi.M (1995), “An overview of ser- backs Existing in the course of introducing and Implementing physical Education program in distance Education “.Proceeding of Ix the Conference Asian Association of open university, Taipei, Taiwan.
  6. Farahani, A. (1998), Effect of ‍ PNU Development of Education a Fields in its student’s Access to Education. Abstracts of Papers of 12th Conference of The Asian Association of Open University, Hong kong.
  7. Farahani, A. (2002), “Comparison between Educational Performance of physical Education in Distance Education and conventional systems” Abstracts of Papers of xv Conference of The Asian Association of Open University, New Delhi, India.
  8. Farahani, A. (2002), “Effect of Audio – Visual Media on the Quality of Learning of practical courses in physical Education.” Proceeding, of Sixth International Congress modern Olympic sport and sport for all. Warsaw, Poland.
  9. Farahani, A. (2002), “A Self – study, Independent Study and its Role in physical Education Graduates, Retention” Proceeding, of Sixth International Congress modern Olympic sport and sport for All. Warsaw, Poland.
  10. Farahani, A. (2002), Distance Education: “A New Approach to sports Education in 3rd millennium (The Quality and Cost of Education)”. Proceeding of the 44th ICHPER.SD. Word Congress, Taipei, Taiwan.
  11. Farahani, A. (2002), “The Role of Technology in the Development of Sports and the Health of Society in the Third Millennium and Facing Challenges” Proceeding of the 44th ICHPER.SD. Word Congress Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. Farahani, A. (2003), “Physical Injuries in Martial Sports: Ways to Injuries Reduction” Proceeding of the 4th ICHER.SD, Asia Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.
  13. Farahani, A. (2003), “Educational Technology: Opportunity for or Menace to Sport University”. Proceeding of the 11th International Congress on Physical Education & Sport, Komotini, Greece.
  14. Farahani, A. (2004), “Paradigm of Benefiting from Interactive Media in Education
  15. and Learning of Children Movement skills”, Proceeding of the 45 th. ICHPER.SD Word Congress,
  16. Farahani, A. (2006), “Transferring from Book – based Educational Environment to Interactive Education in Iran Case”, Proceeding of IT 2004 Conference: Pioneers in a New Age. T                                                                                                                                                                                          oronto, 
  17. Farahani, A. (2006), “Paradigm of Benefiting from interactive media in Education and learning of children movement Skills” Proceeding of the 13th International Congress on Physical Education & Sport, Komotini, Greece
  18. Farahani, A. (2007), “A Comparison Between Educational Self-concept and Entrance Behavior  of Humanities Students in Distance and Conventional Education Systems of Iran” . Proceeding of  the 21st AAOU .Kuala Lampur .Malaysia
  19. Farahani, A.Saiiari,A.nazem,H (2007), “The effect of anaerobic swimming versus aerobic running on triglyceride cholesterol and lipoproteins profiles in obese adolescents”. CAZZETTA MEDICA ITALIANA-VOL.176, No 1
  20. Farahani, A. Shakib M. (2009), “A Survey on Some Skeletal Disorders and Proportionality of Anthropometric Features to School Furniture Dimensions in Primary Students”, World Journal of Sport Sciences 2 (4): 266-271,
  21. Farahani, Abdavi (2009), “Effective management to voluntaries in sport, 4th Asia Pacific Conference on exercise and sports science (APCESS) and 8th International sport science Conference (ISSC) Malaysia.